
Vision, objective, and success criterion within the funding period:

Within five years the future generation of power electronic products are 20 % more cost effective,
has 20 % reduced volume and weight. Added to that they have reduced the power losses
which contributes to a higher power efficiency. A joint development and research effort enabled
by the platform will include three universities and four Danish leading high-technology companies
and the network organisation CEES.

The success of the platform is quantified in the following:

  • Synergy resulting from joint technology development
  • Reduced cost by at least 20%, min. 20% less weight, volume and improved efficiency
  • To demonstrate the usability of new technologies in future products
  • Technology platform for new intelligent power electronic concepts
  • Tools that can be used for future power electronic equipment design
  • Attract and facilitate new companies exploiting platform knowledge
  • Fast and flexible incorporation of ideas for potential exploitation

The platform supports each company's research and development of own products, and initiates
future new products which have a common commercial interest such as targeting intelligent
handling and use greener energy supply - exemplified by "Smart Grid", "Energy Efficient
Production " "Renewable energy production ","Smart Cities "," Energy Neutral Buildings”, "
Smart House "," Mobile Power ".

The platform delivers knowledge within:

  • New hardware design methods
  • Intelligent control methods for power electronic systems
  • New device technologies
  • Intelligent communication and interaction between system components
  • Interconnection technology and management of complex / embedded systems